Monday 12 January 2015

Special Education at the Simcoe County District School Board

The goal of special education in the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) is to help students achieve the curriculum to the best of their ability and to become as independent as possible as they do so.

The SCDSB provides special education supports and services to students with special needs. There are special education teachers at every school. In addition, there are some specialized county classes for students who require significant changes to curriculum to meet their needs. Students who are identified as requiring this level of specialized support are transported to a school which has the county class.

Students do not have to be identified as exceptional to receive special education support. The principal and special education teacher work with classroom teachers and parents to provide support to students who need it.

Please speak to the principal or a teacher at the school if you would like more information about the special education support available in your child's school.

Check out the Special Education category of our blog Sharing Simcoe for tips, strategies and stories from throughout the system.

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