Grade 1 - Social Studies

Week of February 24th to Present:
What have we learned about ourselves?  What are our roles? responsibilities? rules? How are we responsible citizens? good sports?

Week of February 17th:
Time to catch up on our outstanding work!

Week of February 3rd & 10th:
Should we respect the environment?  How do we do that?

Week of January 27th:
Why is being respectful so important?  How do you show respect?

Week of January 20th:
What is safe to share?  What should you not share with your classmates?  We'll find out!

Week of January 13th:
Have you met Mean Jean the Recess Queen?  What out, as she's in the classroom this week!

Week of January 6th:
Do you practice good sportsmanship?

Week of December 16th:
What are some big events of your life?

Week of December 9th:
We will be taking time this week to complete outstanding work in class.

Week of December 2nd:
What goes where in my bedroom?  Students will never forget after they complete their map of their bedroom in class this week!

Week of November 25th:
How well do we know the classroom?  If a bird flew into the room, what would the room look like to it?  Maybe like this?

Week of November 18th:
We will read Follow That Map and be introduced to the features of a map.

Week of November 11th:
What does your parent do at work that they don't do at home?  What do they do at home that they don't at work?  Your parent may make you breakfast for you, but do they make breakfast for people at work?  Do they help you make beds at work?  We'll find out as we compare our parents responsibilities at home and at work.

Week of November 4th:
We will focus on how the students can be a good citizen in the classroom.


Week of October 28th:
We will focus on how the students can be a good citizen.

Week of October 21st:
We will compare the relationship the students have with their teacher vs. there peers.  We will discuss what is appropriate with friends and not with your teacher and vice versa.

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